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The founder of the new cartography of the human psyche and together with Christina Grof the founder of HB  


Stan in Slovenia

Stanislav Grof decided to visit Slovenia mainly because of the hard work of some individuals, both in the organization of workshops and research in the framework of Holotropic  Breathwork...


HB Research
Mojca Studen, together with Stanislav Grof, designed the questionnaires to evaluate the Holotropic Breathing method ...


Many people know Dr. Stanislav Grof as a pioneering researcher in the clinical use of LSD in psychotherapy. Others know him as the founder, with Abraham Maslow, of the movement known as transpersonal psychology. He is, in the opinion of Ken Wilber, “arguably the world’s greatest living psychologist.” Many people have also heard of the technique that he developed with his wife, Christina Grof, called Holotropic Breathwork™.  In 2020 together with Brigitte Grof, he founded a new training program for certified holotropic breathwork practitioners - Grof Legacy Training


Center Velosimed, 

Kokra 72, 4205 Preddvor

Tel: 040 907 664

Zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše zanimanje. .

Kontakt: Mojca Studen
                Center Velosimed
                Kokra 72, Preddvor
GSM: +386 40 907 664
Traspersonalna psihoterapija:

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